Chuck Fisher

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Chuck Fisher


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[fusion_text]Chuck Fisher is the CEO of Pisgah Media Group, a multi Channel Marketing Firm based in Asheville, NC.

Chuck is a member of The National Academy of Best-Selling Authors®, for the book titled “Unfair Advantage” Where the World’s Leading Automotive Retail Experts Reveal Their Secrets to Give You the Upper Hand to Grow Your Business and Rev Up Your Profits TODAY! Inside this book filled with practical and proven techniques, that will drive customers to your business, how to optimize your Internet marketing strategies, and how make your business every customer’s FIRST choice.

Chuck’s internet background extends back seventeen years, with extensive knowledge in lead generation, from business development on the manufacturing side, to distribution, Setting up Call center environments he understands dynamics. Chuck has worked with America’s top franchise opportunities and still remains in trenched in many industries today.

Chuck over the years has collaborated and developed a progressive widget based dealer website solution allowing the user full control of the design, URL link structure and all parameters.  This allows the dealership & salespeople to modify their online presence using agile deployment.  The programs encourages car dealers & salespeople to utilize multi platform deployment with the awesome benefit of Social Networking and consistency of online branding to leverage their website to enhance sales. Chuck provides online venues, processes, and allows dealers & salespeople the opportunity to create webmasters in-house for swift changes, specially while adapting Fran Taylor‘s prospecting techniques that are guaranteed to sell more cars.[/fusion_text]